FAQ: an answer to the most frequently asked questions
Lately we noticed that some questions were asked quite frequently. That's why we dediced to answer some of them below. Is your question not mentioned in the list? Don't worry, fill in the contact form en we will be happy to help.
- Is it possible to be domiciled at the appartment?
Yes, all our appartments are suitable to register as your place of domicile.
- Are pets allowed in the building?
Unfortunately, our appartements are not appropriate to welcome pets. We cannot make any exception on this rule.
- How many days in advance do I need to make a reservation?
Because we make use of flexible terms (length of stay and notice period), it is hard to make an accurate estimation of the availability on the long term. We shall make every effort to meet your demands. As soon as there is certainty about the availibilty, we can complete your reservation very quickly.
- Which household goods are available?
All of our appartments are equipped to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The basic equipment includes: plates, cutlery, glasses, pots and pans, kitchen utensils, towels, coffee machine, kettle and a toaster.